
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Android 2.0 (Eclair) for x86 is built-able

Copied e-mail from Chih-wei Huang

Hi list,
I'm glad to tell you the good news, though it is still far from complete.
With the Yi's great help and hard working, the Android-x86 master branch (eclair) is now built-able. Get it as usual:

repo init -u git://
repo sync

The SourceForge mirror is also available
repo init -u git://
repo sync

(if you already have a donut-x86 tree, you can repo init & sync
in the same tree to save time)

Before making, you need to modify frameworks/base/preloaded-classes
to replace PhoneWindow with MidWindow.

The bad news is I only succeeded to boot it in vbox with uvesafb driver.
(i.e., select the first boot item)
See the screenshots at
But uvesafb on vbox has known issue, the screen blinking.
The normal vesa driver doesn't work.
It shown black screen and hung.
On real Eee PC, all drivers (vesa, uvesa, i915) don't work.

Anyway, if you are a developer and want to help us to debug,
just try it.

Things not merged yet:
* ethernet
* some wifi (combined with ethernet)
* preloaded-classes
* 3d acceleration
* large screen support(?)

* ethernet configuration

* adjustable alarm sound

Android-x86 project