Yi Sun - I'm 100% sure it is Android-x86. Since these icons
(battery, ethernet) are made by Chih-wei and me :-)
5:51 AM
Several days ago, Amazon's Appstore provide a new service to let users can test the android app online before they buy it. Its name is Amazon Test Drive. ( Engadget: Amazon.com lets you play with an Android virtual machine, try apps before you buy them )
@bluestacksinc found Amazon Test Drive might run the android apps on andorid-x86 in Amazon EC2.
http://twitpic.com/4k2qse |
In fact, @bluestacksinc also provide an android VM on x86 platform. ( @techoutfitters BluesStacks Can Run Android on x86-based Windows PCs -- http://bit.ly/hNUNr0 )
Hi, @Amazon, thank you for choosing Android-x86.org !!
Cheers !!
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